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I has been about a month since my last post, and almost seven weeks since my surgery. The swelling is pretty much gone, and I don’t have as much sensitivity…

Here are some photos of my eye before and after the surgery: Pre-surgery Day of Surgery (eye shield) Day 1 (red and swollen) Day 2 Day 4 (less red but…

This week was an interesting week. The redness and swelling in my eye is going down and it is starting to look normal again. My vision is still blurry, and…

Today was my first day back to work. My eyes are still a bit irritated and my vision is blurry, but things are definitely better with light sensitivity. I have…

I’m doing a lot better today. The swelling in my eye is going down and I feel less irritated. I got out of the house for a while today. I…

I started noticing some swelling below my lower eyelid. There seems to be a lot of swelling and fluid on my eye… I call it the “gooey eye”. My eye…

Today was my one week follow-up appointment. The doctor said that everything is going as expected. My vision is still blurry, and will be for a while. My eyes are…

Things have been going well over the past couple of days. I am still dealing with the swollen upper eyelid, but the redness in the eye is going away and…

The second day after surgery has been a lot better than the first. Yesterday I tried to get by just wearing my glasses, but toward the end of the day…

I had my post-operative appointment the morning after my surgery. When my bandage was removed, my eye was gooey from the ointment and tears. I could tell immediately that my…

According to the doctor the surgery was a success. I arrived at the hospital in time. It only took a few minutes for me to get checked in, and about…

Today is the big day. I slept well, surprisingly. The hardest part for me this morning is not being able to eat anything. I will be heading to the hospital…

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