The issues with my throat escalated quickly. With each swallow it felt like razer blades were cutting across my throat. Each time I attempted to swallow a pill or drink…
The mucositis has been picking up. I started getting some tenderness near the back-bottom of my mouth. My tongue and throat has become more tender. I then started feeling some…
Today was a much better day. Although I didn’t get a lot of sleep, I felt much more rested and a lot less cranky. I was able to spend more…
The last couple of days have been “interesting”. I was never quite able to get to sleep before my transplant, and just attributed the insomnia to excitement/anticipation. Well, Day 0…
Today was the day we’ve been working toward for the last 3 months. The BMT team wasn’t able to provide a time in the morning, so I tried to keep…
I checked in on Tuesday, March 8th for my transplant. My first stop was Intervention Radiology to have a trifusion catheter installed in my chest. This one has three ports…
Today I checked in for my second hospital stay, for consolidation chemotherapy. This is the second step in treating Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) before my stem cell transplant. I am…
Ava is on her way to the Southfield Daddy-Daughter Dance. Thanks to my dad Phillip Williams Sr. for being her escort in my absence.
Today, Cathy, my Nurse Practitioner, came into my room and said what I have been waiting to hear – “How would you feel about going home today?” While my neutrophil…
Given the fact that my counts still weren’t going up, the doctors made the decision to start giving me Neupogen injections. This drug is designed to stimulate the growth of…
I’ve been off antibiotics for 24 hours now, untethered from the IV pole. I’m enjoying the freedom of being able to walk around and flip around in the bed without…
I’ve been having issues with eating and appetite over the past few days. I’ve been on a number of different antibiotics and antifungals since the fever spikes in December. I…