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Yesterday was election day. First day back to work. I spent a few hours in the office getting my laptop set up and gathering up papers and what-not I took…

July 4, 2016 I had some food success today. Lisa and the kids went to the Michigan RibFest in Pontiac. They brought back some rib tips and I was able…

June 2nd was Ava’s birthday. We went to Red Lobster. I got permission from my doctors to try some lobster bisque. I was able to eat it, so now I…

We received some wonderful news this evening! Brandon wrote an essay, “If I Were Mayor”, as part of a citywide contest for Southfield 6th grade students. He won first prize!…

I ended up being discharged from Henry Ford Hospital on May 9. What I was told would be 24-48 hours in the hospital turned into nine days! My hands are…

Day 1 This weekend I started having stomach pain. I also started having more frequent bowel movements. The pain eventually became fairly constant, and very painful. It would often have…

The bumps seem to be spreading down my chest. They now appear on both sides of my chest down to my chest plate. Still no itch. The doctors prescribed a…

I was able to get out of the house for a little bit today. My parent stopped by, and we all got in Lisa’s car and drove around downtown for…

Today was my birthday. My parents and cousin Robert stopped by. I was pretty run down for most of the day, so definitely not one of my favorite birthdays. The…

DAY 22. The sensitivity in my hands is diminishing, but they are starting to peel like crazy. I’ve also started having gut issues again, having to go every 2 hours…

Today was the first day of home nursing care. Part of my treatment involves getting magnesium infusions. The Prograf that I take as anti-rejection medicine causes me to have a…

Today I was discharged! In the morning I met with doctors, then I met with the Pharmacy technician. I was given a pillbox with 7 different prescriptions, 5 required and…

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